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Today I’m celebrating early for a really special 50 year old!!

You see, back in January my church member reached out to me asking if I could help her lose 30 pounds before her 50th birthday in August!

During that call, Elaine Smith shared something I had never known about her….. She had weight loss surgery 5 years ago and over the past few years those old habits came back to haunt!!

Well, you know how this story ends right??? Elaine turns 50 tomorrow, but get this???? This amazing lady lost those 30+ pounds waaaaaaay back in May!!! She has been maintaining and toning and losing more inches ever since!!!

… To the tune of 34 entire inches lost from all over her body!!! Her journey continues…

If this ain’t a testimony, I don’t know what is!! With commitment divas, your goals can be achieved!!!!

Please hear from Elaine Smith in her own words, on our blog! I’m sure you will agree she is truly Fit, Fyne & Fabulous at Fifty!!

Happy Birthday, I’m honored, proud and inspired!!! ?????????
