You’re Almost there SIS!
“Time To Put Your Prep Where Your Plans Are”
Okay diva sister friend. Today is the day we put aside to prep the meals we planned! But let’s recap the process (which we repeat every week as a matter of our new healthy habits routines sis).
Review our week and identify the days we are booked, busy and bothered with meetings, events, and happy hours
We plan our meals around what we have going on in our lives, and make a grocery list.
We plan the day to grocery shop, and subsequently the day to cook.
Following these steps lands you where we are now in the process sis. We are ready to cook, BUT NOT SO FAST!! First we must decide what kind of Meal Prepper are you?? Now for me this changes week to week depending on my schedule, and should feel empowered to switch it up as needed, in the same way! Let me explain sis!
The Various ways to Meal Prep
When divas think of meal prep they think of hours in the kitchen, but if that doesn’t work for you, you have many other options…
Fresh to Def Diva Prep 
You know the meals you want to eat during the week. You buy the groceries, cut your veggies and season your proteins but you don’t cook. You like all of your meals fresh! You prep twice a week because uncooked protein lasts 2-3 days tops uncooked in the fridge. You don’t like eating reheated meals so you cook daily from your prepped protein carbs and fats. This divas prep consists merely of making a meal plan, buying her groceries, then cutting up veggies and seasoning meats having them ready to cook when she’s ready! #freshtoDEF
Go with the Flow Diva Prep
AKA Buffet meal prep. You’re not sure of the exact meals you want to eat, so you cook a buffet style of egg, oatmeal, chicken, beef and fish with your fav sides and fruits. Each day you grab and go by combining one serving of protein, carb and fat combo. You basically eat what you’re feeling like eating that day! You don’t like having the same meals daily. You mix and match. This has a fridge of containers that only includes many servings of one food per container. She goes with the flow of what she feels like she wants to eat day to day #flowonDIVA
Drive-Thru Prep 
It’s an extension of the Fresh to Def Diva Prep. You know your exact meals, you prep the ingredients for your exact meals then you cook then finally you add your complete meals to your meal prep containers. You grab and go each meal along the day, as if your kitchen or your lunch bag is your own personal drive thru. You don’t have to eat the same thing all week. But don’t get it twisted, you can prep twice a week and change your meals for the second 1/2 of the week. #drivethruDIVA
One and Done Diva Prep
You don’t like planning, prepping or cooking but you know the value of meal prepping so you pick one meal and plan and prep it only each day. For example so divas prep their breakfast only for a few days but nothing else. You may new to meal prep and want to start somewhere! You may be on a budget and can only afford to plan out one meal a day. #1andDONEDiva
You can be any of the meal preppers above and have different timings too!
The timing of it all… 
Some ladies like to prep once a week.
Some ladies like to prep twice a week.
Some ladies prep every day.
Which one you are depends on your preference, your personality, your patience, your job, your lifestyle, your finances.
Sooooo sis, what kind of meal prepper are you?
I’ll start! I’m a Go With The Flow Diva Prepper who likes to prep twice a week, because I change meal choices for the second half of the week, because I don’t like reheating food greater than 3-4 days old. I re-up mid week.
Meal Prepping doesn't have to take hours in the kitchen; nor, does it mean eating the same darn meal day after day. We make planning our meals work for our schedule and our eating preferences! Click To Tweet
1. Share with me in the comments below the kind of Meal Prepper you are most weeks by filling in the blanks below
I’m a ______________ Meal Prepper who likes to prep _____ a week, because_____________________.
Remember you can change and adapt based on what’s going on in your life any given week. The goal is to be flexible and not think if you don’t have time to meal prep every last meal in those pretty containers then you aren’t going to eat healthy or meal prep at all. Don’t be like that sis. Make sure you check your stinking thinking, and make meal prep happen in some way form or fashion every week. It is not an ALL OR NOTHING relationship with this healthy habit. We can live in the gray! Why? ‘Cause a sistah has health goals, and will make them happen by ANY MEANS, even if I’m short on time! You feel me diva?
2. READ PAGS 32-34 AND COMPLETE THE DIVA ASSIGNMENT ON PAGE 45. If there are any questions about how to prepare your meals check out pages 79-90 in the book. Still questions? Post them in our group and tag me when you do!
PLEASE NOTE: Divas who have signed up for our 30 day and beyond meal prep challenge will be granted access to our Fit, Fyne & Fabulous app. Divas using the app will have the ability to upload their before pics, measurements, weight and time stamped food throughout the day. Divas will also have the option to be a part of our Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Fitness Leaderboard. If you are a part of the 10 day program and would like to upgrade to 30 day, please cash app $fitfynefab $55 and include the note UPGRADE! I will use your $20 charge for your 10 day challenge as a credit towards the $75 day 30 day challenge, making the total only $55. Info on how to add your stats to the app will be sent immediately upon joining. All stats must be uploaded before we start eating our meal plan on MONDAY.
3. Now, if you are a 10-dayer, you can record your stats in your book or in a journal. STATs are HIGHLY important; as, they are a form of negative AND positive motivation!
5. By now you should have a partner, and a team name for you and your partner. If you are challenging alone, you can come up with a solo motto!! Now, it’s time to create a team collage! Grab a pic of your partner and add a pic of you, include both your names and your team name. But wait, don’t share it yet… We will reveal our team names, mottos & collage together soon!
6. Please, if you haven’t already, join our Private FB group created purely to support you this ENTIRE MONTH. (CLICK HERE) to join us on FB.
7. If you plan on participating in the social media contest, save the “before and after” image below to your computer or your phone and post it on your IG and on your personal FB page (don’t forget to tag me) with the following message “Today I learned about the different levels &ways to meal prep. Meal Prepping doesn’t have to take hours in the kitchen; nor, does it mean eating the same darn meal day after day. Listen, we make planning our meals work for our schedule and our preferences! I’m excited today is the day I a meal prep with the divas of Fit, Fyne & Fabulous! So, go ahead and ask me, what kind of Meal Prepper am I? #SOULprepSunday#10daymealprepCHALLENGE #thefitfynefablife”
P.S. IMPORTANT: Please add [email protected] to your address book to ensure you receive all of our challenge emails! It’s time to get started diva!
Live fabulously,
Nicole “Coach Twy” Twyman
“Who Says Fitness Can’t be Fabulous?”
You can reach out to me here:
Twitter: @fitfynefabulous
Instagram: @fit_fyne_fab
Facebook: Nicole “Coach Twy” Dyer-Twyman
Private Diva Group: Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Divas
Please Note Divas:
If you have any food allergies, digestion issues related to produce or medical issues* that don’t allow you to eat in this way, this isn’t the challenge for you. For example: If you are on medication that limits your intake of vegetables due to vitamin K or have a digestive disorder, this may not be the challenge for you. If you are a diabetic or have blood pressure issues, discuss the pros and cons of a plant-based diet with your doctor or a nutritionist before trying this challenge.
*Medical Disclaimer: If there is any reason why you should not change your diet and how you normally eat due to an ailment, pregnancy, blood sugar issues, chronic illness, allergies or other medical issue, Do Not participate in this challenge. If you have trouble digesting raw or cooked fruits and veggies, this is not the challenge for you. When in doubt, speak with your doctor before joining any weight loss challenge or before starting ANY eating plan/diet.
I’m Nicole Twyman, a native New Orleanian, who has lived all across the US! Although, my small family of 4 currently calls Los Angeles, CA home. I am a proud 40+ year old mom of a wonderfully energetic and theatrical daughter, and a handsome, scholarly athlete!
While I have worked in corporate America as a certified senior project / program / portfolio manager for Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Procter & Gamble & IBM, my passion is service. It has always been my desire to live a life of service to others; which I took every opportunity to explore as an active member of many of my church’s ministries and of my public service sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.
Well, now I am over the top excited to have the opportunity to serve divas through my very own ministry, Fit, Fyne & Fabulous.
I was one who was addicted to the scale. I use to weigh myself everyday until I found that I was shredding inches and toning up, even though the number on the scale didn’t chart my progress as fast. In my mind, if I am doing the work, the numbers should show my progress and this is what had my obsession for and with the scale,
I have a body scan scale that measures body fat, visceral fat, etc that I use once a week. I weigh myself the same time each week. I chose to stop the obsession because I was unhappy with the daily numbers.
I don’t have an unhealthy relationship with the scale because until recently I’ve never owned one. I needed it for a challenge to do weekly weights, but don’t use it regularly now.
Hey Freida. We miss you.
I’m a go with the flow, drive thru diva prepper. I like to prep twice a week for I don’t like eating the same thing after 2 or 3 days or reheating it.
I do not have a bad relationship with the scale. I tend to weigh about once or twice per week. I do notice fluctuations as mentioned in the message. When I weigh, I look for overall consistency. As long as I am within 3-5 pounds of my “normal” weight, I’ve been alright. At this point in my life, my “normal” weight is much higher than I would like it to be thus why I joined the 30 day challenge.
I had an unhealthy relationship with the scale, but now I focus on NSW (Non Scale Wins); how my clothes fit, body measurements and the like. I am learning to be happy with me and being healthy.
I don’t have a bad relationship with the scale because he broke my heart decades ago so I don’t trust him like that anymore. However, in the last two month he came back to show himself as if he’s faithful now. Yeah RIGHT! For about two weeks we where good but things got a little rocky in our relationship after that.
See, he thought I forgot how he played me decades ago and danced all on my emotions. Yelp he sure DID!
See, Mr. Brother Man “The scale” from aisle 11 in Walmart! Yeah Him. (Divas, watch out because he has brothers just like him. They all get it from their father “The Meat Scale”. None of them can be trusted.)
Divas look! He thought I forgot. Nawl Nawl! Nawl! Lover boy! I DID NOT! So when he thought I was going to get all emotionally out of wack because he change on me again, I simply said, “No, Brother Man! You do not get to define me anymore! My success is not built on what you say! I know my progress because the cloths that use to hug me so tightly, has now loosen their grip! Yeah! I bet you didn’t know that”? So now Slide over because you are not in control! I get to decide when I want to see you again! And whenever I do decide, I still get to decide if I even want to listen to you because I know your uneven ways. Your words cannot be trusted!
So, Good day Mr. Brother Man “The Scale”
I do not have an unhealthy relationship with the scale. I weigh myself occasionally and when starting a new regimen. I gauge my weight by how my clothes fit and how I look in my clothes.
Being addicted to the scale is a form of mental abuse and it can really affect your confidence and self-esteem. When you start losing inches, the scale takes a while to capture that lost in lbs. You can physically see inches lost in your face, neck, how your clothes fit way before the numbers on the scale catch up.
Stay off the scale, drop those inches, eat healthy, move your body and watch your body transform with letting the scale drive your determination of success.
No unhealthy relationship with the scale. Everything Coach Twy mentioned above is so true. In the past I ignored the scale and all of that. Now taking before and after pics and measurements is my focus. I will weigh myself but that is every so often. Enjoy the scale but don’t obsess over it… it don’t know everything, LBVS! Begin to know your body… I know when it’s rime to cut back but gut tells me and I now listen
I do have an unhealthy relationship with the scale. I am a numbers person! The sad part is: the number either motivates me or makes me say “forget it”! i need to reset the terms of this relationship. I don’t have the $$$ for the recommended scale, but I’m going to find some clothes to use as a guide. I don’t trust measuring myself, it’s too hard to do the same way every time.
The pictures really tell the story! I have learned to. Ot rely on the scale but to monitor my pics for change. I would look at the scale being stagnant and in the mirror and not see a thing. But compare the week one pic to the current and WOW!
I often weigh morning and night on a daily basis. I don’t necessarily thing that’s unhealthy but some may beg to differ. I only track the weight once a week but it helps me to know how I fluctuate through the week.
I do get on the scale probably more than i should but also know its not always a good way to measure progress. Going to wrk at doing what needs to ve done and not be a slave to the scale .
I dropped my bad relationship with the scale awhile ago. What I notice from the scale is that my weight fluctuates by 3 – 5 pounds for various reasons. I rely more on how I feel, how my clothes fit and how I look in my clothes. I stopped thinking I was going to have a Victory Secret model’s body and I am learning to love my body and focus more on my health and the weight and inch reduction falls in place.
I used to have an unhealthy relationship with the scale however when I started losinig inches and the scale did not reflect what I saw and how my clothes fit, I did not care as much what it said. I had weight goals initially, but now I have health goals. Funny my goal is to weight my 5-6 inch heels againg without feeling like my feet are carrying my WHOLE body! We have got this Sis!!!
My meal prep style varies based on what I have going on during the week or just on my mood. This week I’m a “Go With the Flow Meal Prepper” who likes to prep twice a week, because I get bored eating the same food for an entire week.
I’m a Drive-Thru Meal Prepper who likes to prep twice a week, because I do not like to reheat food after 3-4 days and to switch up what I am eating to avoid getting bored.
I’m a 1 and done Meal Prepper who likes to prep daily during week, because after I go to the store I change yo what I want from day to day due to being a picky eater, but I’ve been juicing a lot and eating mainly veggies.
Correction for typos on previous submission. LOL
Lisa says:
June 7, 2020 at 11:22 am
Hi everybody, ,
I’m a 1 and done Meal Prepper who likes to prep daily during the week. I’ve found that I often change what I want to eat due to being a picky eater, even if I try to meal prep for the week. I’ve been juicing a lot and eating mainly veggies.
Correction for typos on previous submission. LOL
Hi everybody, ,
I’m like the ONE and done Meal Prepper Style. I’ve found that I often change what I want to eat due to being a picky eater, even if I try to meal prep for the week. I’ve been juicing a lot and eating mainly veggies.
I am a fresh to def and go with the flow mainly go with the flow. I’m glad you put these types out there cause I see pretty pictures of all food in containers ready and I don’t quite work that way. I’m truly finding my niche though and my fridge and cabinets are stocked with the right foods now so that I don’t choose an unhealthy option when I failed to prep something and just make it in the moment.
I’m a #drivethrudiva Meal Prepper who likes to prep once or twice a week, because it’s easy for me to maintain. Twice a week prepping prevents me from getting lazy at the end of the day and gives me something to look forward to because I love to cook.
I’m a go with the flow AKA buffet style prep diva who likes to prep twice a week because I don’t want to waste food and money.
So I missed the scale comment… here goes I get on the scale every morning not good. So I challenge myself this week to be obedient and STAY AWAY FROM THE SCALE!!!!
What kind of preppier are you I’m a day to day person but I planned my meals so this will be my challenge.
I’m a Fresh to Def Diva Meal Prepper who likes to prep 2 times a week, because it makes me feel more in control of my week. Even if my day is busy, I know dinner is one thing I don’t have to worry about. Love it!
I am a #drivethruDIVA who likes to prep twice a week because I have greedy people in my house that eat all the portions so I have to make sure there is a enough food and variety available.
I’m a mix of fresh to def and drive thru prep diva who likes to prep about twice a week because I have to have fresh eggs and fish! My other proteins can be reheated, but because I usually work 3-4 12 hour shifts, meals for work days need to be ready to roll.
I am a drive thru prepper who preps twice a week because I want some variety in my meals. Prep days are Sunday & Wednesday.
I’m a drive thru prep diva who Oreos twice a week because variety is the spice of life!
I’m a Go With the Flow Diva meal prepper who likes to prep 2-3 times a week because I like variety and fresh vegetables.
Yeah, I prep NOT Oreo twice a week! Lol
I’m a fresh to def Diva, I will meal prep 2-3 times a week bc it’s the summer and I have extra time on my hands to eat fresh cooked meats and vegetables.
I’m a fresh to def diva or sometimes a go with the flow. I only have to cool for me so I’ve mastered making small quanties. In the summer I have more time and enjoy fresh veggies that don’t necessarily require cooking – lots of salads, especially when there days really hot
I am Fresh and Def most weeks but can go with the flow at times. If that’s the case I prep twice a week. I don’t love left overs and wake up with a new mindset but I’ll play it by ear.
I’m a Fresh to Def Dive Meal Prepper who likes to prep some things daily because everything doesn’t always reheat that well (once) a week, because I may change my mind on what I want to eat. My mood or taste buds might dictate something different to eat.
Sorry I didn’t post yesterday.
I’m a Drive Thru Diva Meal Prepper who likes to prep 1-2x a week, because I like variety.
So glad to be getting started- starting after others due to work schedule, but tomorrow is my Day 1! I am a go with the flow meal prepped, but I cook all my options ahead of time except shrimp – like that fresh and hot!! Looking forward to the lifestyle change!
I am the Drive-Thru chic.
I am a fresh to def go with the flow meal prepper drive thur prepper 🤦🏾♀️ . Most of my veggies I like cooked fresh my meats pre
Thank you for sharing sis! It’s a good thing to make meal prep work for you
I’m a drive thru Meal Prepper who likes to prep twice a week, because I get bored and overwhelmed easy.
I am the Drive-Thru chic…I believe. This is really my first time prepping. This may change as I get adjusted.
I’m a mix of a Go with the Flow and Drive thru meal prep Diva, because with a family that consists of 7 people you have to learn to do just that . I meal prep twice a week usually changing proteins and breakfasts. By doing this it alleviates the anxiety I felt in the past when someone would eat my prepped meals. I no longer freak out. I know that there are healthy alternatives that I can whip up easily when needed.