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New Year, New You with Priscilla Williams

By February 1, 2015FITNESS Accountability

Priscilla decided 20-FIT-teen was her year, and she’s proving it!

10953023_10153572677554689_223376656_nLet us introduce you to Priscilla Williams!  Priscilla joined Fit, Fyne and Fabulous just 4 weeks ago and you won’t believe this diva’s transformation! In just 4 weeks Priscilla lost 14 pounds and 19 inches!!! GOOD GOD GIRL, we are so proud of your dedication and persistence and are glad to know you are joining us AGAIN for another 4 weeks.  Let’s go Miss Priss!! One-derland is calling your name!!!  Let’s learn how this diva achieved these amazing results!!!

How many pounds and inches have you lost since joining Fit, Fyne and Fabulous? 14 pounds 19 inches

How did you learn of Fit, Fyne, and Fabulous?
Nicole Twyman shared the FB page with me. But when I was really done with the way I was treating my body I called her and her support and encouragement helped me make the first step and commit.

How did Fit, Fyne, and Fabulous help you get closer to reaching your fitness goals? 
The structure of the program and the accountability is one thing. Also the encouragement and drive from my coach and partner. Seeing their transformations and what they were able to do pushed me to keep going.

Would you recommend Fit, Fyne and Fabulous to a friend? If yes, why? 
I would absolutely recommend this program and I have. I would recommend it because It works but you have to want it!

What has been your most rewarding NSV or “Non-Scale Victory” since joining FFF?
I would say my NSV would be how I feel. I have more energy and I just feel better. I kept telling myself even if I only lose 5 pounds I feel so much better exercising and eating right. I’m learning how to give my body what it needs to support me. And I know it really appreciates it.


Think of a day where you felt you wanted to give up on your journey. How did Fit, Fyne and Fabulous motivate you to keep going?
In the beginning it was hard trying squeeze a workout in, post pictures AND try to prep and plan meals. I got frustrated the first week…but after that 1st week it started to become a way of life and I found joy in doing it all.
What would you say to a friend who was trying to decide between getting a trainer at the gym vs working out from home and getting FREE virtual accountability?

I would tell my friend if a trainer will be available at the touch of a keypad, send you morning devotional and inspiration, hold you accountable daily, encourage you daily, tell you that you can do this…daily…then get a trainer. But with FFF you don’t just have one trainer you have a team always having your back and you also have a group of women who are in this with you and have your back and are cheering you on. You also get to give all this back to women who need it and are looking for it. You can’t get this from a trainer.


What have you learned about yourself during your fitness journey thus far?

That Priscilla is still in there and has been waiting to come back. The Priscilla who loves to work out and eat healthy. I can truly do all things through Christ who has given me the strength

What advice/tips would you like to share with others who are on the same fitness journey?

Don’t allow yourself to settle at the weight that you are at out of fear. This is an investment into your temple. Sickness and diseases will happen if we don’t respect and take care of this one body that God has allowed us to have. You have the strength and ability to make the change. One step at a time. Progress not Perfection.



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