God wants all of me.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
Mark 12:30 (NIV)
Which is more pleasing to God right now — my public worship or my private worship? What will I do about this?
Fit, Fyne & Fabulous is a virtual, faith-based wellness support group that offers custom meal plan development, exercise training plan development, team-based virtual support and much, much more.
©2018 - Fit, Fyne & Fabulous, LLC. Designed with ♥ by Anjelica Dezel
How can an omnipotent being have such a fragile ego? Why does he/she/it need worship?
The most impactful quote from today’s reading was “God is not interested in halfhearted commitment, partial disobedience, and the leftovers of your time and money. He desires your full devotion, not little bits of your life.”
I have time daily with God, but lately it seems that time was starting to be crowded out by all the other things that have my time and attention. This hit me because as I have been so diligent about making time for exercise, I lost some of my diligence to my devotion time. I take out so much time meal planning and preparing and God wants that same preparation and diligence when it comes to worship and spending time with him. That’s one reason I’m glad the FFF group is reading this book. It has helped me to regain my focus on my concentrated, uninterrupted devotion time.
And I’d be willing to guess that some of you have made getting fit a greater priority than your time with the One that truly sustains our bodies. Let us refocus on Him with true worship in our daily lives.
God is pleased with both levels of worship, however, I have learned that if you can’t worship Him in private, the public worship is a wash. God wants TRUE worshippers. People who have a real heart for Him in spite of what’s chaotic around them.
The other question I ponder is how do you do as the scripture said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
Mark 12:30 (NIV)? Most people say they love God yet have something against their “frienemies”. If you Love God how can you hold an ought with others? Especially if your WHOLE heart loves Him. I’ve grown to the point of praying for those who hurt me. I pray for them and continue to smile when I see them. Not that it doesn’t hurt but that it allows me to forgive and to walk in Love. We love God with our mouth yet He’s the last one who hears I love you until something goes wrong. Worshipping God should be our first response to waking up in our day. Everyone with breath should praise God but it’s hard for everyone to worship Him. Every action I have should be with God in mind. He’s my joy and my strength. It is through Him that we live, move and have our being. He wants all of us and no part time love.
When you get in a place of worship, nothing else matters at the moment you feel God’s presence fill the atmosphere. It is our private worship that causes His glory to be revealed in public. He smiles with favor over your life. Ahhhhh just thinking about His presence in our lives should evoke a praise and a worship.
Carmen you are definitely on point. We make a lot of priorities in our day and God wants to be NUMBER 1! This week I have been making an intentional move to get up earlier to have devotion prior to working out. How can my day be better? It’s better because we invite Him into it. I love how God reminds us and shows us what’s happening in our relationship with Him.