Let us introduce you to a beautifully gifted songbird, Ms. Elaine Smith! Elaine enjoys singing praises to the Lord most Sundays at her home church, Central Baptist, in St. Louis, MO!
Elaine reached out to Fit, Fyne and Fabulous because she was ready to take her fitness to the next level!! She is DEFINITELY on her way! Elaine has lost, 14 inches and 13 pounds in just 4 weeks!!!! We are excited that she is joining us again for another 4 weeks!!!
Well, let’s learn more about how Elaine lost her 14 inches, shall we?
Church member Nicole Twyman
A daily reminder that it’s ok to take out time everyday for me. I get so caught up in caring for others, I neglect myself.
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I can do anything I put my heart and mind to do. I am determined. I’m so much stronger than I thought I could be. And…. I’m gonna get even better.
Very inspiring Elaine! You did an excellent job in just four weeks. I am happy to be part of the team that helped you accomplish your gains and losses. Can’t wait to be there for another 4 weeks.
How do I get started?
Hi Tami, contact me Nicole Twyman on Facebook or shoot me an email [email protected]
Great job! Keep it up.
Beautiful! Congratulations!
Elaine, congratulations on your success toward your fitness goal…. You are setting a fitness legacy for you and your family, changing lives one day at a time through your work. It is evident and speaks for itself..
Great Job???
Beautiful, Elaine! What a great story of success!
Congrat … The mind is a beautiful thing.. when you take control you can do great things.. Your committment and dertermination is a testimony to others….