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We Snatch Waists; and Award Prizes WEEKLY Hunty!!!!!

This week ends the 3rd week of our “Snatch Your Waist” fitness accountability challenge.  We paired each of the divas in our challenge with a partner and asked them to create a collage to show their team support!  We had over 175 divas join us; which made for close to 90 teams!!!
<<SEE TEAMS HERE –> http://flipagram.com/f/WabineT898>>

Each week, the diva coaches of Fit, Fyne and Fabulous identify one team that rises to the top of the charts.  These divas have lost the largest % of weight and the most inches in the past 7 days.

Today, we announce the winners from our third week, and these ladies will knock your socks off with their results!!!!

Please join us in congratulating the winning team:
Lisa Roth & Yvonne Gordon.
They lost 8 inches and 3.2 lbs together!!

Ohhhhh, just wait until next week; our final week! We will be awarding $700+ to one losing diva!!!!!

WOW, where they do this at????  Fit, Fyne & Fab is where. Leave your email to join us, we get the JOB DONE!!!


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