Are you ready to start your 30 Day Meal Prep Challenge?
Please use this blog post to help you get acquainted on what to expect this week!
So…..Let’s get started!
- Read and commit to being engaged every day of the challenge. Don’t get left behind diva. Start and finish strong.
- Make time for yourself! Dedicate the next month to be all about YOU!! Or at the VERY LEAST, put yourself above others!
- Use your accountability partners! We have created a Facebook group, just for you! Soon you will meet the other divas in the challenge, which will include your assigned partner and coach. Make sure to ask for cell number, friend them on social media. Take advantage of this new Fit Diva relationship! If you have a special request for a partner (click here) add her name next to your name in column E of the spreadsheet. If you prefer not to have a partner, write that too! If you are having problems updating the spreadsheet, locate the name of your coach on the sheet, and tag her in the group letting her know your preference. Final assignments will be shared tomorrow, 2/6/18.
- Get the tools you need to get organized & READY to succeed! Here are a few that you may or may not already have on hand. Try to pick them up or order them soon! These are the tools I use daily / weekly when prepping my meals, and getting my FIT LIFE IN order!
- DIVA FITNESS PLANNER (click here) – $5 off for you!
- Fab Red Water bottle (click here)
- Scale (shows body water %, bone mass, muscle mass, etc. ) (click here)
- Egg Cooker (click here)
- Measuring Cup (click here)
- Measuring Spoons (click here)
- Vegetable Noodle maker (click here)
- Vegetable Slicer (Mandoline) (click here)
- Apple Wedger (click here)
- Citrus Peeler (click here)
- Juicer (click here)
- Mini Food Processor (click here)
- Meal Prep Containers (click here)
- Tape Measurer (click here)
- Pink Himalayan Salt (click here)
- Parchment Paper (click here)
- 1 – 2 Glass Mason Jars (click here)
- Access to a Computer & Printer for recipes & meal plans
3 of my Top Online Services
that helped me SAVE MONEY
while Eating HEALTHY
1. Ebates
(sign up for free – no cost EVER)
When ordering online, I use eBates EVERY LAST TIME! By doing so, I’ve earned more than $1400 back in rebates (buying stuff I would have already purchased). Trips, appliances, school clothes, groceries, you name it! If you shop online and you’re not using Ebates, you throwing money away.
2. Thrive Market
(get FREE Coconut Aminos TODAY!)
Think of Thrive Market as the online version of Whole Foods, just 50% CHEAPER! Their selection is awesome and the prices can’t be beat, but what’s most important is how this company advocates for families on food stamps to have access to quality foods! They are working with congress to allow EBT cards to be used for online healthy food purchases!!! 😆
Just know, for every order you place, a low income family gets a meal!! It’s so worth it to buy from Thrive. The link above gives you 25% off already crazy cheap prizes for healthy food! They make it affordable to eat healthy.
3. Amazon Prime
(sign up for Free for 30 days)
I’m such a fan of Amazon! Now that they have purchased Whole Foods, you can shop IN PERSON and save tons at Whole Foods, but only if you’re a prime member. AND YOU CAN BECOME A PRIME MEMBER FOR FREE!! Get Prime for Free for 30 days and $10.99 after using the link above (you can cancel on Day 31 – and don’t pay NATHAN!). Now if you’re a student you can get it for Free for 6 months!! Let me know if you need help with that! Prime members also get groceries delivered for free!! It’s called Prime FRESH!!
I hope you take advantage of the services that have helped me save!
- During the 1st week of the challenge you will receive tons of information! One topic per day, there’s no meal prepping (unless you do it on your own or if you’re a part of our VIP group – THE DIVAHOOD – use the meal plan that was sent to you this past Friday)
- The first meal plan will be sent on Friday, February 9th and we will all follow the same meal plan the week of February 12th; together as a group!
- Stats are required to be submitted every STAT-urday. The first STATurday is February 10th. Get ready now! Mark your calendar.
- Divas who don’t submit stats are don’t participate in the challenge are gently removed from the process.
- We award prizes weekly for participation and weight & inch loss starting the first week on the meal plan. Pictures are required, so take them and keep them (unless requested)
- We expect to see pics once a day or at least 3-4 times of week of food or post workout
- We are also hosting a weekly FitBit competition, at the end of the month the divas with the highest steps in February are awarded fabulous custom Fit Bit tees from our Diva Shop. Look out for the post in our from our FIT BIT Admin Barbara Jones! The challenge starts 2/12!
If you are ready to get started, leave a comment on this post below,
I'm READY to MAKE MYSELF a priority by showing consistent SELF LOVE all month long with my Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Family!! Click To Tweet
feel free to share, pin or email this post. The more the merrier!
If you haven’t already, Join our 30 Day Meal Prep Challenge diva, you will be glad you did!!
P.S. Please add [email protected] to your address book to ensure you receive all of our challenge emails! It’s time to get started diva!
Live fabulously,
Nicole “Coach Twy” Twyman
“Who Says Fitness Can’t be Fabulous?”
You can reach out to me here:
Twitter: @fitfynefabulous
Instagram: @fit_fyne_fab
Facebook: Nicole “Coach Twy” Dyer-Twyman
Private Diva Group: Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Divas
P.S.: If you would like to learn more about our full 30 day meal prep challenge offerings, please visit: 30 Day Meal Prep Support (REGISTRATION CLOSED – OPENS IN TWO WEEKS)
Please Note Divas:
If you have any food allergies, digestion issues related to produce or medical issues* that don’t allow you to eat in this way, this isn’t the challenge for you. For example: If you are on medication that limits your intake of vegetables due to vitamin K or have a digestive disorder, this may not be the challenge for you. If you are a diabetic or have blood pressure issues, discuss the pros and cons of a plant-based diet with your doctor or a nutritionist before trying this challenge.
*Medical Disclaimer: If there is any reason why you should not change your diet and how you normally eat due to an ailment, pregnancy, blood sugar issues, chronic illness, allergies or other medical issue, Do Not participate in this challenge. If you have trouble digesting raw or cooked fruits and veggies, this is not the challenge for you. When in doubt, speak with your doctor before joining any weight loss challenge or before starting ANY eating plan/diet.
I’m Nicole Twyman, a native New Orleanian, who has lived all across the US! Although, my small family of 4 currently calls Los Angeles, CA home. I am a proud 40+ year old mom of a wonderfully energetic and theatrical daughter, and a handsome, scholarly athlete!
While I have worked in corporate America as a certified senior project / program / portfolio manager for Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Procter & Gamble & IBM, my passion is service. It has always been my desire to live a life of service to others; which I took every opportunity to explore as an active member of many of my church’s ministries and of my public service sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.
Well, now I am over the top excited to have the opportunity to serve divas through my very own ministry, Fit, Fyne & Fabulous.
I am ready to start this new challenge and continue my journey of bettering me and my health.
Welcome back diva!!!
Ready to get bk on track and sharing in the community of ❤️ and support! 😁
Welcome back! Let’s get started!!
I am excited and ready for change. Twitter is new for me… idk about that yet lol
Glad you’re here diva! Twitter is not required but we sure appreciate when you share ❤️❤️
Also, I am focused on SELF LOVE.
I am ready for a new, healthier lifestyle, medication free.
I’m excited you’re here with us diva!
I am ready to make this change and commit to a healthy lifestyle for a better me
I am ready to start the challenge and continue my journey
Love that I am getting back full force into this journey and community. It is never easy alone!
I am all the way ready!! Truthfully, I’m just hoping I’ll keep it up even after the challenge is over.
I’m so ready. If only my new hubby would understand that I got this and he just needs to join in and get it done too. Help him Jesus! Cause I’m on a mission and I won’t let go.
2018 is my year! I am continuing to grow and learn with each challenge. Leggo’ ladies!
Ready to get started!
I am ready to get started, and to continue to grow in health! Looking forward to amazing results.