As many of you might know, I had been sharing Divas Who Pray blog posts on a weekly basis. However, we decided to change it from weekly to monthly. My hope and prayer is that it still blesses you and you are able to share and comment even more. Maybe this will give more time for discussion! 😉
He Is Into The Details
A few weeks ago I posted on Instagram about how I realized that God is truly into the details of our lives.
(click on picture below)
So I was going through my planner looking for a blank page to write notes and came across a wish list I made up when we were house hunting back in January/February. After reading this list I realized God had blessed us with everything that we wanted. I mean He gave us our wish list down to the details.
I began to praise God and worship, but not necessarily because of the house (material possessions) but because it confirmed to me that He really cares about every aspect of me. The Bible even speaks about God knowing the number of hairs on our head and how we are worth more than ‘many sparrows’.
Luke 12:7 NIV “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows”.
Matthew 10:30 NIV “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered”.
These scriptures are great comparisons of God’s love for us; and it also confirms that we should not be afraid. Sistahs we all know God does not give us the spirit of fear ANNDDD He instructs us to be anxious for nothing, so what was my issue? 🙄
Before I wrote that list, I was battling with fear and anxiety. I was afraid that we would not find a house that we could call home. See the area we have relocated to is very rural (real talk – it’s country). I mean the pickings were kind of slim, to say the least.
When I finally cried out to God about these fears and concerns, He directed me to write down exactly what we wanted and then rest. I obeyed and found out that I was searching for a house but it was based on fear. That fear caused me to look at homes that were ‘okay’ but not our style (settle).
But when I gave it to the Father I got peace about it. One day my husband sent me a text saying, “I found you a house.” And guess what ladies, we are currently unpacking and settling down in that house he found.
All this to say, that Abba, Father, love each of you so much that He truly cares about every aspect and detail of your life. He wants a relationship with you, He wants you to depend on Him because He cares for you.
Whatever you are going through today, this week or this month I urge you to pray about it, and give it to our Father who is in Heaven. Have faith and know that He has a plan and path for your life.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We are so thankful and grateful for life and the opportunity to communicate and have a relationship with you. Thank You for ensuring that the bible gives us direction and instructions on who You are and how much You love us.
As we go about our daily routine help us to lean and depend on You for every aspect of our life. Help us to have faith that You are who the bible says You are and that Your love for us is vast and deep.
We ask that You be with us, continue to bless us and help us to be a blessing to those You put in our sphere of influence.
In Jesus Name
I’m Priscilla, native New Orleanian but currently living in central Louisiana with my husband. After living away from Louisiana for over 10 years, it’s good to be back in my home state. My spiritual journey has grown and developed over the years into an intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father. I love to worship and take time for daily devotion and prayer. A relationship with Jesus is so vital for living a faith filled, full life. My fitness journey started with FFF in 2015. I was overweight, sickly, and depressed. Within six month of support, coaching and love from this awesome FFF team I got under 170. I believe that with commitment, accountability, inspiration and prayer we can enjoy healthy, long and prosperous lives. I also believe healthy living is one of God’s desires for our life. He wants us to take care of the temple He blessed us with. I’m glad to be a part of the FFF team by sharing weekly devotionals and prayer; and I am excited about all that God has for us this year. Join us every Sunday for FFF’s Spiritual Moment in devotion, inspiration and prayer.
Amen Sister Cil,
This recap is just what I needed to be refocused. All this week I’ve been encountering various things regarding prayer and going to God for everything. And as your message said it’s just not for material things, but in all things. Thank you for prayer. Congratulations on your new home!!
Thanks so much Danique!
It is amazing how going to God for everything strengthens the relationship.
Wonderful devotional and right on time!! I’ve had an anxious spirit lately and like you, through prayer and meditation, the Lord reminded me that He’s got this!! So thankful for His Grace and Mercy!!
Thank you for sharing your gift!!!
Congrats on your new home!
Thanks Celestine! We are really enjoying it.
I have been hearing the word ‘anxious’ a lot lately…through T.V. and various people I talk to…and I keep hearing that scripture in my head…that we should be anxious for nothing. But sometimes it’s easier said than done…but if God gives us direction about something, (1) we know it is for our good and (2) He will help us with our anxiety. I totally understand you Celestine, but you are on the right track with prayer and meditation on His Word.
Love ya sis!
Awesome message and prayer. You have helped to put things in perspective for me. I needed this message>It was right on time. TYhank you for being a blessing to me.
Hi Donna!!! You are so welcome, all glory to God. I hope all is well with you and you are living your BEST life in Him!