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Inspiration Nation – Sunday Diva Prayer Chain

By July 9, 2017Be Inspired

Every Sunday in Fit, Fyne & Fabulous we share a prayer to help guide us thru our week ahead. To remind us, that while being consistently healthy may appear hard, but ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE with HIM who is able to keep us from FAILING / FALLING!  Amen divas? Please read today’s FFF Spiritual Moment below!

Welcome to our FFF Spiritual Moment by Coach Liz!

Overcoming the Barrier of Inadequacy

No one likes feelings of inadequacy, but they are something we all must learn to handle, as no one can avoid them permanently. 

Tragically, however, many people live with a cloud over their head because in their thinking, they never measure up. Maybe from childhood experiences, lack of success at work, school, relationships, etc.

Taking care of your health is challenging and puts you out of your comfort zone. Eating whatever you want is easier, quicker and more reliable. Your mind starts playing tricks on you saying that you are inadequate, you are not enough and you can’t do this.

God promises to lead us! Click To Tweet

But unless we believe Him and step out in faith, we’ll never experience the fullness of what He has planned for us. 

This doesn’t mean that you will do it perfectly, but each step of obedience is a victory. The alternative is to play it safe, but then you’ll miss out on God’s best for your life. We don’t want you to do that!

2 Corinthians 2:16b And who is adequate for these things?

Prayer – Father, thank You for revelation! I am adequate to do all that You have called me to do. No weapons formed against me shall prosper. My faith is sufficient. I will not give into temptations. I will remain steadfast in the promises You have for me. I may be challenged sometimes, but that is what I have You for dear Father…to help me through every obstacle! I thank You and I magnify Your Holy Name! JESUS! We ask these many blessings and prayers in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah and AMEN!


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