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He Knows, Even if We Don’t

By April 8, 2018April 24th, 2018Be Inspired, Divas Who Pray


I hope you all had a wonderful week, and even if it came with a few challenges along the way…guess what, you made it to Sunday!

One of our Diva Sisters left a comment for the ‘Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart’ blog post (click here). In that comment she referenced Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

I love this scripture because it reminds me of how much He loves me (us). 


‘For I know the plans I have for you…’

I remember asking God what was my purpose and why had He brought us to Alabama when neither of us had family there. I mean we had no real connection to the area, so why were were there? Even though I didn’t know the plans He had for us, I eventually trusted His plan.

Fast forward six years, I now see how God was developing me and preparing me for this next chapter (or season) of my life.


“Plans to prosper you and not to harm you”.

While we were there, I can honestly say we were in a season of prosperity (not just financially). We had an awesome church family, wonderful neighbors and friends, a beautiful home and we were both gainfully employed.

The only missing thing was family. Neither of us had blood relatives in the whole state of Alabama!  Although we missed being close to family (and missed several family events) we made the best of our new life.


“Plans to give you hope and a future.”

October 2017 my husband received a call that would end our current chapter and began a new one in Louisiana.

During our chapter/season in Alabama we went through several life lessons. Now I know God was shaping, molding and preparing us for our future.

The things we went through brought us closer to Him, and closer to each other. We both matured and grew stronger in our faith. All this was to prepare us for this new season…our future.


We are now living close to family, and able to enjoy birthday parties, dance practice, lazy Sunday afternoons watching the kids run around the yard. I appreciate family time now more than ever before. I have learned to trust God’s plan for our life. This takes away a lot of stress, and allows me to let go and live in the moment.

Divas, I want to reassure you that Jeremiah 29:11 is still true today. God has a plan for each of our lives, and His plans are for our good so that He will be glorified as we show Christ to others.

I don’t know what you are going through today, or what you will go through this week or this month, but I do know that you can rest-a-sure that it is all according to His great plan. We just have to trust the process. As you prepare for this new week know that God’s plan for your life is always good.



Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your plan for our lives. Thank you for loving us enough to be concerned with every little detail of our lives. For Your word says that you know the number of hairs on our head, this is an example of how much you love us. 

As we go about our daily life, help us to trust that you have a wonderful plan for our lives and that it is good. When things get tough, as they always do, help us to know that you are still there and this is apart of your plan for our good. 

In Jesus Name 



  • Felicia Bivens says:

    I’m so thankful for His plans. I too have learned to trust his plans when I’ve been in uncomfortable situations and unfamiliar territory. Today, I’m better for it! I love Him!!!

    • Priscilla Williams says:

      Hi Felicia,
      Thanks for commenting…my apologies for the late response.
      Yes, His plan is always perfect….but our flesh wants to do what ‘it’ thinks is best…but we know His plan is always the very best! LOL!!

  • Terri Brown says:

    Thank you for sharing and reminding me to trust God’s plan. I’m so blessed and grateful!

  • Deantwa Bush-Corbitt says:

    Amen! His plan, His will be done in my life today and always! Thank you, Lord! I believe, please help my unbelief

    Bless you for the reminder….

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