The diva coaches of Fit, Fyne & Fabulous declared throughout the month of May; we would showcase divas or gents that we have helped reach and exceed their goals; your May MOTIVATION!
Enter the dedicated Katie Williams….
Let us share a few facts about Katie!!
- She has lost 22 lbs and 18 inches (and counting)!!
- Katie has gone from a size 12 to a size 6!!! Just absolutely AMAZING!!! From a LARGE to a SMALL!!! She went from wide calf boots to now standard calf boots. It didn’t stop there her bra size has also decreased.
Katie shared, “Before I started, I began very frustrated in myself and in my failure to take care of myself, which in turn just made me turn more to food. In my mind, I had wanted to lose the baby weight sooner! I was disappointed in myself that I kept telling myself that it wasn’t that bad and became complacent with that. Now that I have achieved the progress and accomplishment that I have, I am so proud of my progress and pray I always remember how I felt before so that I never return to that!! I have so much more energy and confidence now. More importantly, my daughter sees that dedication and joins in with me!”SEE KATIE’S DAUGHTER MODELING SUCCESS!!
If you want to learn more about our FREE virtual accountability support, please leave your email in the comments below!!
Looking fabulous Katie’s! Way to go!
Katie you look fabulous. Such an inspiration!!! Thank you for your willingness to share your journey.
Proud of you Katie!
Amazing!!!! I love your story… Way to reach those goals!!!
Katie you have done such a great job. This should inspire all of the mothers in this group. It can be done. You just have to make the time for yourself so you can be better at helping others. It’s crazy how that works. But it does work.
Katie you have done an amazing job… Your transformation is so motivating. Thank you for sharing your journey… And your diva just brought it home for me….she’s too cute motivating her little upcoming fitness diva’s!!!!!
Thank you all so much for the kind words and motivation! I really appreciate all of you on this journey! I I love this group and love how supportive everyone is of others even though most of us have never met! What a blessing and inspiration!
I’d love more info!
Carolyn thanks! I will message you on Facbook!!
I’d like more info! Thanks!
Let me know the best way to contact you and I can get you more info!!
Katie, Fabulous Results! You look great and are setting a wonderful example for us all!