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My name is Garnett McNeill, originally born and raised in the SE section of Washington, DC, and currently a Maryland resident. I am a proud wife of an entrepreneur, mother of an outstanding student athlete and a new pet owner. My professional background allows me to call myself a Certified Public Accountant; but my true passion is healthy living and finding beauty in all things. Those passions have led me to pursue becoming a certified personal trainer while currently helping as many divas as I can. I also love makeup and practice it as much as possible with weddings, and special occasion gigs. Finally, my other passion is photography which I will delve into more once I get rid of this 9-5. I'm a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and that sisterhood has taught me to be of service to all mankind. Therefore, I am paying it forward by helping as many ladies as I can in any way that I can whether it is meal prepping tips, makeup education, inspiration or just plain old checking for you when you fall off. That is what it means to be a Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Diva!!!

Cajun Roasted Kale Chips

By Be Fyne, Recipes 14 Comments

Cajun roasted kale chips are given a touch of cajun spice and then baked until crispy. This recipe makes two generous servings, each with under 100 calories! I know there are countless kale chip recipes on the web today and most of you have probably tried making them at this…

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