Happy Sunday Divas!
As always, thank you for reading, commenting and sharing last week’s blog titled ‘Trust the Process’. I hope you all had a wonderful week, and even if it came with a few challenges along the way you made to Sunday.
For me, this week was filled with many challenges. These challenges ranged from getting to the gym daily, food temptation, house hunting, to job searching. Even thought I had all these challenges, my life lesson this week was about my unbelief. Why unbelief? I’m so glad you asked 😉
After the Super Bowl gathering this past Sunday (congrats Eagles) my cousin and I were cleaning the kitchen and chatting about various topics. We ended up talking about how unbelief can hinder our prayers. He shared with me his testimony about overcoming unbelief. He said, “cousin you have to believe when you pray, but if you have the least bit of doubt you cancel the prayer.”
A few days later I was spending time with my dad. At the end of our talk he said, ‘You have to believe, if you don’t believe it won’t come to pass…you HAVE to believe.’
‘You have to believe, if you don’t believe it won’t come to pass…you HAVE to believe.’ Click To Tweet________________________________________________________________________________________
As I headed home I thought about those words, “You HAVE to believe.” That is such simple instructions, but why was I having trouble with it? What has been keeping me from believing? I have a strong belief in God and His ability, so why was I struggling with unbelief?
This morning the Lord gave me this scripture Mark 9:22-24
22 And often he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”23 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”
It was an ah-ha moment for me. For the first time I understood how the father felt. I believe Jesus can do anything, my problem was believing He would do it in my situation and my circumstance. It’s the difference in believing Jesus can and believing He will. As my Pastor said, “It’s often the difference between my head and my heart.”
Step 1
I decided to think back on the times I prayed for something and God answered. I tried to think back about how I prayed, how I felt and what I did after praying. I also thought back on what I did once my prayer was answered.
One thing I recalled was how I really believed that what I asked for I was going to receive. I believed so much so that I didn’t worry or stress about it, but I did work hard and stayed focused. There were some things I prayed for that I believed I would receive so much that I started making space and rearranging my life for it.
Step 2
The second thing I did was search for other scripture on believing and found this:
Luke 1:45 Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”
This scripture is about Mary’s visit with Elizabeth. Both were pregnant with miracle babies. I remember reading this story but I never pulled that scripture out and planted it in my heart. This time I made this verse personal.
She (Cil) is blessed because she believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises. Wow! This was a game changer! I can always use a blessing so I knew I needed to get busy working through my unbelief issues.
Divas as we continue this journey of healthy living, weight loss, or any other goals (desires), let’s believe in what we want so much so that it has no choice but to materialize.
As I pray about my own unbelief I encourage each of you to do a self check just to make sure unbelief is not hindering you from achieving your goals, or obtaining what you have been praying for. I wouldn’t want you to struggle with unbelief as I have for so long.
Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you with a humble heart thanking you for loving us enough to correct us. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for speaking to us through Your Word (the bible).
Father, if there is anyone reading this blog that struggles with unbelief please help them (us) in this area. Please uproot anything that is hindering us from believing in your promise which is that we should live healthy, prosperous and abundant lives. Help us to have faith like Mary, who believed You would fulfill Your promises. Help us to overcome any unbelief so that we may be blessed.
We also pray healing for those who are going through any health challenges this season. All this we pray in Jesus name.
I’m Priscilla, native New Orleanian but currently living in central Louisiana with my husband. After living away from Louisiana for over 10 years, it’s good to be back in my home state. My spiritual journey has grown and developed over the years into an intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father. I love to worship and take time for daily devotion and prayer. A relationship with Jesus is so vital for living a faith filled, full life. My fitness journey started with FFF in 2015. I was overweight, sickly, and depressed. Within six month of support, coaching and love from this awesome FFF team I got under 170. I believe that with commitment, accountability, inspiration and prayer we can enjoy healthy, long and prosperous lives. I also believe healthy living is one of God’s desires for our life. He wants us to take care of the temple He blessed us with. I’m glad to be a part of the FFF team by sharing weekly devotionals and prayer; and I am excited about all that God has for us this year. Join us every Sunday for FFF’s Spiritual Moment in devotion, inspiration and prayer.
This was an awesome message. Thank you for sharing, as it has opened my eyes to the areas that I have unbelief. I know what God can and has done. But a lot of times I short change him in what he can and wants to do for me. I just had this conversation with someone on Friday.
Hi Danique, thanks for sharing…I am with you on this….its so weird how we know the power of God but still struggle with unbelief. Believe me its an everyday learning experience.
Wow, such a great post and such an on time reminder! Thanks so much for this!
Thanks Amanda! Love ya Lots! 🙂
Thank you for this on time word. I personally have been struggling with believing for myself where I can for others. This touched my heart and is confirmation of what I have to do: Trust and Believe!
Hi Wennifer,
I am so with you….everyday I am learning to ‘Trust and Believe’!
I am still digesting this…It is an area I struggle with. Thanks for the comment.