Happy Sunday Divas!!!
Happy Birthday to all the February babies!
Wow! This is our 1st “Divas Who Pray” inspiration post of February. February just rolled around real smooth like. I am literally sitting here in disbelief at how fast it arrived AND how my calendar is already almost filled up with events and yes birthdays…a lot of birthdays. 😯
Well, I hope you all had a blessed and joy-filled week. Even if it came with a few challenges, you made it to Sunday. 😉 And thanks for all the comments, and the honesty and transparency from last week’s post on ‘Self Discipline and Self Control’ (click here).
I believe that it is a blessing to be able to share certain aspects of your life (or your testimony), because someone might (or will) learn from that experience. So thank you again for being so open and sharing. 🙂
Trust the Process
This week one of the youth pastors at my church preached a sermon titled ‘Trust the Process’ and it resonated in my spirit. You know how you hear a message at church and you feel like the preacher is speaking directly to you? The funny thing is, this was the second time I had heard that statement. This was one of those moments God was speaking to me through the preacher. I believe He wanted to give me peace and reassurance during my own process.
As I was preparing and meditating on a topic for this week’s blog, I remembered how this message blessed me and I wanted to share a bit of it with you all. I hope this blesses you and give you peace as you go through ‘The Process’.
Most of you reading this blog have probably set up goals to lose weight, improve your eating habits, or reduce your daily medication. But whatever your goal, vision, or calling might be, we have to understand that going through ‘The Process’ is necessary. Before hearing that message I never gave much thought to the process, but when you actually understand what it is, you can appreciate it a little more. Well I did at least. 😉
What exactly do I mean by ‘The Process’? Well, it is that middle part of the journey; between the beginning and the end goal. It is that time between the excitement of starting a new challenge and seeing the results at the end of the challenge. It is the portion of the journey where we are making sacrifices, changing our habits and working to create new ones. It is also where the transition takes place, but it can also be a little painful or uncomfortable.
Most importantly, it’s the part of the journey where we need the most faith, discipline, commitment, prayer, and support. Because, the middle portion of the journey is also where we can possibly lose hope, get discouraged, or even want to give up.
‘The Process’ might be the most uncomfortable portion of the journey. But it is also where we grow, change, develop, renew our minds, and actually get prepared for the end goal. So yea…’The Process’ portion of your journey is kind of a BIG deal 😉 . And I think that if we try to avoid it we won’t achieve our goal, or calling.
It's in 'The Process' where we grown, change, develop, renew our minds, and actually get prepared for the end goal.' Click To Tweet________________________________________________________________________________________
I know, at this point ‘The Process’ portion of the journey doesn’t sound all that attractive, and for many of us it might not be…But God!!
While we are on this journey (going through The Process) the Bible says (Isaiah 58:11) He will guide us always. I interpret this to mean that we are not in this alone while on this journey.
God might guide us to a group of ladies all working towards the same goal (Fit, Fyne & Fabulous). He might guide us towards a mentor or a coach to help us along the way, or He might even provide direction from the Bible or the Pastor. No matter how God chooses to guide us, isn’t it comforting to know that He cares and won’t leave us wandering around the journey lost and discouraged?
Isaiah 58:11 also says that we (His children) will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. I don’t know about you, but this is so reassuring. As we Trust the Process, and allow God to guide us, we don’t have to be dried out, depressed, stressed, and looking like we are defeated. Because what? “We can do all things through Christ who give us strength.”And He will never leave us nor forsake us. We just have to…
Trust the Process.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for life and life more abundantly. Thank you for the opportunity to go through “The Process”. And Thank you for giving each of us a journey and direction to Trust the Process. Sometimes it is hard, and there are times we might want to quit, but we are so thankful that You care so much for us that You are here with us in the process. Your Words confirms that You will never leave us nor forsake us.
As we continue on our journey, help us to trust the process. Help us to take advantage of the time we spend in the process. Help us to appreciate this time and understand that this is where we are made and prepared to achieve our goals, our ministry or whatever it is that we are working towards.
Dear Lord, help us to ‘Trust the Process’
Thanks for checking out this weeks devotional. If you would be so kind as to comment and share this weeks blog, we would be so grateful.
XOX ~ Cil
I’m Priscilla, native New Orleanian but currently living in central Louisiana with my husband. After living away from Louisiana for over 10 years, it’s good to be back in my home state. My spiritual journey has grown and developed over the years into an intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father. I love to worship and take time for daily devotion and prayer. A relationship with Jesus is so vital for living a faith filled, full life. My fitness journey started with FFF in 2015. I was overweight, sickly, and depressed. Within six month of support, coaching and love from this awesome FFF team I got under 170. I believe that with commitment, accountability, inspiration and prayer we can enjoy healthy, long and prosperous lives. I also believe healthy living is one of God’s desires for our life. He wants us to take care of the temple He blessed us with. I’m glad to be a part of the FFF team by sharing weekly devotionals and prayer; and I am excited about all that God has for us this year. Join us every Sunday for FFF’s Spiritual Moment in devotion, inspiration and prayer.
Sometimes it’s hard to trust the process because we want everything now but it’s good to be reminded to be patient and watch God work. Great post as usual Cil!
Girl me too! LOL!! It definitely isn’t easy…but you are so right about being patient…and watch God work.
This said it ALL, “As we Trust the Process, and allow God to guide us, we don’t have to be dried out, depressed, stressed, and looking like we are defeated. Because what? “We can do all things through Christ who give us strength.”And He will never leave us nor forsake us. We just have to… Trust the Process.” I have to remind myself of this throughout the day, not just when I’m in prayer. God is in control. He got me covered no matter what I’m going through. Thanks Cil for putting this in my face.
Hey Valerie,
You are so welcome. God is so good. You are so right, He is in control and He does have us. I’m learning to let go and let God.
This was so good! Trust the process … be anxious for nothing for the best is yet to come. We have to remember to also trust God that he will guide us through the process. If you don’t have trust in him to lead you, you’ll never trust the process. And believe in yourself. God created you strong enough to go through any and everything. He brought you this far and he will carry you through to your goal…if you have faith and believe.
Amen I love that…we do have to trust God that He will guide us. Belief is major important.
Thanks for the comment.
This scripture was RIGHT ON TIME!!! (As our God ALWAYSh is 😁…❤️Me some Him🙂) He will send a seed to plant and reminders that He is ever so present and aware of who, what and when we need them/it.
Thank you Cil & Coach Twy! This truly afeed a blessing to where I am in my journey 🙂
God’s BEST to you both!
Thanks Katrina! Many blessings to you as well.
This is the second time within 2 days I have heard trust the process. From this I’m learning that as long as I do my my best to get healthy my reward will come in due time. So I must endure this journey and look to God for continuous guidance. And also lean on the lovely ladies of FFF to help me learn, grow and succeed!
That is how I was Danique. Now I tell myself this daily….Trust the Process…and Trust that God is with me and He will never leave me nor forsake me.
Have a blessed week!
Hi Cil,
Thank you for your words. I know I am a few days late, but I’m working getting acclimated to being on social media daily (I don’t like it :). However, I’m willing to “trust the process”.
God puts His word out there for us all to hear – all we have to do is listen. I was delighted to know that I am not the only person that heard those words. I used them while teaching my students. Sometimes, they moan and grumble about what I’ve planned for them to do, but I tell them, I know the outcome of the work I’m having you complete “trust the process”. “For I know the plans I have for you, ” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).