Welcome to Fit, Fyne & Fabulous’ Transformation Nation series, where today we are shining a bright Diva Spotlight on our VIP Diva Angela McLucas who joined our ministry years ago in 2015. And since that time, she’s lost weight, BUT battled with cancer (AND WON!) yet during the battle she gained her weight back! We were so blessed to see her back in Fit, Fyne & Fabulous after her win! This is the 1st of many Diva Spotlights in a new series that will bring awareness to ALL CANCERS with the many colors of HOPE!
Do you know all of the cancer ribbon colors and what they mean? We hope this series of Diva Spotlights will help you to become more aware of many types of cancers that plaque our black and brown communities. Thank you Angela for taking the time to share your story with us!!
Ribbons of Hope
Take a listen to Angela McLucas’ journey in her own words…
Angela lost 20 lbs and 15 in with Fit, Fyne & Fabulous after beating and defeating CANCER!! Click To Tweet
How Did I Feel About my Body BEFORE
Fit, Fyne & Fabulous?
Please kindly share your Cancer journey
(the type, the treatment & your recovery).
Why did you decide to REJOIN
Fit, Fyne & Fabulous after beating Cancer?
How Many Pounds / Inches did you lose with us, and how do you feel now?
What is Your NSV (Non-Scale Victory)?
The Jeans!
What is your favorite Recipe or Clean Eating Tip You’ve Learned while with Fit, Fyne & Fabulous?
Is there anything you’d like to share with women who may be on the fence about starting their journey with us?
Diva Angela has proven that BEATING CANCER and beginning a health and wellness journey is possible! Now sis, if it’s possible with her after beating Cancer, you know it’s possible for you and I, even DURING COVID!! Our Fit Fyne & Fabulous Coaches are so proud of you!! Keep shining your light so that others may see it and shine theirs too!!
Coach Twy
“It’s Time You Begin to Live that Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Life you’ve always dreamed of!”
If you were inspired by Angela, join us in our next challenge which is FREE in our VIP group (fitfynefabulous.com/divahood). Our next challenge will start soon and will be all about meal prep and PLANKS! Welcome PLANKSgiving divas!
Don’t forget to join the FFF Facebook Group for FREE support and encouragement!
Fit, Fyne & Fabulous is a virtual, faith-based wellness support group that offers custom meal plan development, exercise training plan development, team-based virtual support and much, much more!!! Thank you for stopping by, and before you leave to help me CELEBRATE THIS DIVA by leaving a comment below!!! Don’t forget you can also follow us on IG, Twitter, You Tube and Pinterest for meal prep and workout inspiration.
I’m Nicole Twyman, a native New Orleanian, who has lived all across the US! Although, my small family of 4 currently calls Los Angeles, CA home. I am a proud 40+ year old mom of a wonderfully energetic and theatrical daughter, and a handsome, scholarly athlete!
While I have worked in corporate America as a certified senior project / program / portfolio manager for Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Procter & Gamble & IBM, my passion is service. It has always been my desire to live a life of service to others; which I took every opportunity to explore as an active member of many of my church’s ministries and of my public service sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.
Well, now I am over the top excited to have the opportunity to serve divas through my very own ministry, Fit, Fyne & Fabulous.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. Making it all about ME is important along with staying the course. Knowing your body was a key tackle away for me. Thank you and God Bless
Hello Valerie. Thank you. Yes it has taken me some time to figure out my body what to have and what not to have. We are on our way.
Congratulations Angela on defeating cancer! Also huge congrats on the weight loss… You are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story!
Thank you Sonia and thank you for listening.
Angela thank you so much for sharing your journey! I love the tip in scheduling ALL ABOUT ME” time. Yes to the Jeans! What a great NSV. I would agree with the hysterectomy…I retain fluid differently. Praise God for you kicking cancer’s butt Diva!
Cynthia I am glad you loved the “ALL ABOUR ME” tip. It is so important that we do that. MY NSV was the best feeling ever. I want to do that again. Being cancer survivors our bodies have gone through so much and are not the same and we have to learn our bodies all over again. Praise God for you kicking cancer’s butt also Diva!
Awesome !! Jesus continue to give you strength as you slay the enemy.
Thank you Sonia and thank you for listening.
Praise GOD to whom all blessings flow , Angela thank you for sharing your journey and your Testimony . My sister just gave a virtual cancer fundraiser and all the proceeds went to this independent transportation company in Boston that take patients to and from their chemo and radiation appointments daily . It was very difficult to find speakers that were willing to talk about their Journey to help inspire others and I know it must be hard for them to talk about it but I cant thank you enough for being transparent as well as being open and honest and so kind to the Divas. Its is a pleasure to be in this group because my fellow Divas have warrior spirits.
Thank you Michelle. The transportation service is awesome. Treatments are draining. I was the same in the beginning. I realized that every womens journey is different and me sharing my journey may help someone else as well as educate others.
Bless God!!!!! 💕💕💕
Amazing strength and such a great attitude through it all.
Thank you for sharing you journey, both the cancer and weight loss. I am a 21-month survivor of breast cancer and humbled to continue meeting so many strong women – especially sisters – who not only overcome it, but choose to educate other women by telling your story. You are a beautiful blessing! ❤️🔺 (and a Soror)
Congrats on your weight loss and a bihgger congtsts on defrating cancer! Keep up the good job.
Thanking you for sharing your story. Congratulations on being a cancer survivor and winning at taking back your health and life.
Thank you Angela McLucas for sharing your story, and I am so proud of you for beating cancer AND beginning your fitness/ health journey at the same time! Your words and story are very motivational and inspiring. The fact that you beat cancer and also worked on starting your health/ fitness journey proves how strong, brave, and committed you are. I really enjoyed reading this testimony.
Your story is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing. I learned something new today! Keep beating the odds, Diva!
I’m so proud of you, Angela, for continuing on your #FFF journey! Back when I worked as a hospital admit tech, my supervisor used to eat fruits and raw veggies like they were going out of style. I remember her saying that they were cancer fighters, but not that she had cancer. I found out a couple of years ago that she had and lost her battle against cancer-on this side. I know that you can do all things and pray that Christ continue to strengthen you and guide you in the things that will be most beneficial to your body. Be blessed my sister!
I loved your story! You are a true inspiration. I especially loved how you continued your FFF journey and can I just say, “You are really beautiful inside and out.” Keep smiling bright and sharing your powerful story. It is so inspiring