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Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Challenge Success List!

Now that you’ve joined our meal prep challenge, you may be wondering, what are some of the tools I need to have the best chance at being successful?  This is not a complete list but a great start.  We’ve attempted to divide them into required and optional items from our own perspective.  Where we could, we also added links to recommendations.  Bolded items with asterisks after them are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED**



  1. Measuring Cups & Spoons
  2. Sharp Knives & Cutting Board
  3. Blender
  4. Non-stick cookware (pots, pans, muffin pan)
  5. Meal Planning containers (Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Meal Prep Containers)**
  6. Water Bottle (Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Hydration Nation Tumbler )
  7. Meal Planning Lunch Bag
  8. Low Sodium Seasoning  (Flavor God)**
  9. Parchment Paper & Aluminum Foil
  10. Healthy Fat cooking oil (Coconut or Olive Oil)
  11. Meal Plan (Provided to you weekly)

Measuring Your Success

  1. Small Juicer
  2. Measure Me Fabulously Measuring Tape ** (allows you to take pictures while holding in the tape in place!)
  3. Scale
  4. Journal (provided to you)
  5. Phone with picture capability set to LOW RES
  6. Access to the internet


  1. Single Serve Food Processor
  2. Spiralizer
  3. Heart Rate Monitor
  4. Toaster Oven
  5. Mason Jars
  6. Phone Tripod to help hold your phone study while taking pictures
  7. Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Tshirt, we rock them every Friday!  Get yours!**

If you have any questions about any of the items listed above, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!! We will be glad to help you!

Coach Twy


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