Welcome to Fit, Fyne & Fabulous’ Transformation Nation series, where today we are shining a bright Diva Spotlight on our VIP Diva Cynthia Griffin who joined our ministry years ago in April of 2015. And since that time, she’s lost weight, BUT battled with cancer (AND WON!) yet during the battle she gained her weight back! We were so blessed to see her back in Fit, Fyne & Fabulous after her win! This is the 1st of many Diva Spotlights in a new series that will bring awareness to ALL CANCERS with the many colors of HOPE!
Do you know all of the cancer ribbon colors and what they mean? We hope this series of Diva Spotlights will help you to become more aware of many types of cancers that plaque our communities. Thank you Cynthia Griffin for leading the charge to help educate and celebrate the Cancer Surviving Divas of Fit, Fyne & Fabulous
Ribbons of Hope
Take a listen to Cynthia’s journey in her own words…
Cynthia lost 13 lbs and 9 in with Fit, Fyne & Fabulous after beating and defeating CANCER!! Click To Tweet
How Did I Feel About my Body BEFORE
Fit, Fyne & Fabulous?
Please kindly share your Cancer journey
(the type, the treatment & your recovery).
Why did you decide to REJOIN
Fit, Fyne & Fabulous after beating Cancer?
How Many Pounds / Inches did you lose with us, and how do you feel now?
What is Your NSV (Non-Scale Victory)?
What is your favorite Recipe or Clean Eating Tip You’ve Learned while with Fit, Fyne & Fabulous?
Is there anything you’d like to share with women who may be on the fence about starting their journey with us?
Diva Cynthia has proven that BEATING CANCER and beginning a health and wellness journey is possible! Now sis, if it’s possible with her after beating Cancer, you know it’s possible for you and I, even DURING COVID!! Our Fit Fyne & Fabulous Coaches are so proud of you!! Keep shining your light so that others may see it and shine theirs too!!
Congrats to you Cynthia and her hubby whom without his support she does not know where she would be! We are blessed by #teamGRIFFIN’s story and hope you are too!
Coach Twy
“It’s Time You Begin to Live that Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Life you’ve always dreamed of!”
If you were inspired by Cynthia, join us in our next challenge which is FREE in our VIP group (fitfynefabulous.com/divahood). Keep in mind the free challenge “Building a Better “Boo-Tee” starts tomorrow!
Don’t forget to join the FFF Facebook Group for FREE support and encouragement!
Fit, Fyne & Fabulous is a virtual, faith-based wellness support group that offers custom meal plan development, exercise training plan development, team-based virtual support and much, much more!!! Thank you for stopping by, and before you leave to help me CELEBRATE THIS DIVA by leaving a comment below!!! Don’t forget you can also follow us on IG, Twitter, You Tube and Pinterest for meal prep and workout inspiration.
I’m Nicole Twyman, a native New Orleanian, who has lived all across the US! Although, my small family of 4 currently calls Los Angeles, CA home. I am a proud 40+ year old mom of a wonderfully energetic and theatrical daughter, and a handsome, scholarly athlete!
While I have worked in corporate America as a certified senior project / program / portfolio manager for Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Procter & Gamble & IBM, my passion is service. It has always been my desire to live a life of service to others; which I took every opportunity to explore as an active member of many of my church’s ministries and of my public service sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.
Well, now I am over the top excited to have the opportunity to serve divas through my very own ministry, Fit, Fyne & Fabulous.
I’m all choked up. What beautiful courage and inspiration.
Thank you for your kind words.
Look at God! Cynthia, thanks for sharing your testimonies! Your videos are going to bless so many people!
You look AMAZING, too.
Shout out to your husband for standing by your side as you kicked Cancer’s butt!
Kudos to you for staying the course by continuing to exercise ( I see your workout posts in FF&F) and preparing the delicious meal plans provided by our illustrious founder @CoachTwy.
Thank you Joy! All glory be to God! My incredible support system and of course my super hero Hubby! He’s not done with me yet.
Wow!!! Glory to God!🙌 Ms Cynthia thank you for being an inspiration to many. Thank you for sharing your testimony. God bless you!🙏❤
This was an awesome testimony. You just never know what another diva is going through or had gone through. @Cynthia Griffin you have definitely shown us what we can accomplish if we stay on course. Praise Good for your healing and improved health. @coachtwy thank you for creating an opportunity for us to witness what is possible.
Amen! Thank you!
I thoroughly was inspired and enjoyed learning more about @Cynthia Griffin. You are amazing and love the pic of you and your hubby. Ya’ll look too fly! Many continued blessings and I am so happy you are cancer free and congrats on soon to becoming a Glam ma!
@coachtwy thank you for allowing us to learn more and be inspired by this Diva!
Thank you for stopping by to hear God’s grace! Yes honey I love me some Desi Griffin!
I remembered when you we first diagnosed. Indeed, to God be the glory…you’ve got a testimony!! So proud of your outlook and thank you for sharing this private and personal journey with us.
To God be the Glory! Thank you for your support and prayers!
What an honor to be today’s diva spotlight! Thank you @coachtwy in allowing me to share my journey. It truly took a tribe of individuals to help me along the way. I simply can’t forget about the many caregivers. My sister Lavern Smith would travel 3 hours every weekend to provide relief for my hubby. It’s just so many people to thank. Blessed beyond measure.
To God be the Glory! What an awesome testimony. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. You kicked cancers butt. May God continue to strengthen you each day. You are a warrior. You have the victory.
Diva Cynthia,
You are such an inspiration and your story will bless so many women. Praise God for your journey and for giving you the courage to share. Cancer didn’t stand a chance! May God continue to richly bless you and your family! 💕
Thanks for sharing your story. May blessings co tinue to come uour way.
Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration!