African Americans make up 13% of the US population yet 60% of the Covid deaths are African American. Many things are said to contribute to this, but the one that stands out the most is our pre-existing health conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes, and vitamin deficiencies.
It is NOW, and has always been, our mission to END THE TREND of obesity in our communities specifically thru the sharing the healthy meal options, workout challenges and pure sister love and motivation.
African Americans make up 13% of the US population yet 60% of the Covid deaths are African American. Click To Tweet
Congratulations on joining an amazing tribe of God fearing divas committed to living a Fit, Fyne & Fabulous Lifestyle. Now that you are a part of our “Divahood” you can expect to receive free recipes, make up tips, and workout challenges weekly, FOR FREE!
At Fit, Fyne & Fabulous, we believe, we are BETTER TOGETHER! So, let’s get to work this week as a DIVAhood to build those Angela Bassett arms baby!! Last week for focused on building Michelle Obama arms. Here’s a little Monday Motivation to get your week started with a small snippet of the divas who joined our #OBAMAarms #FABnotFLABBY last week! #BETTERtogether
Now let’s see what you’re working with this week sis! I hope to see you on our RED DIVA LEADERBOARD come next MONDAY! Here’s now the challenge works!
1. Measure your arm inches record the number, Measure your abs, record the number (NOW TODAY!, no measuring tape?, use a piece of string)
2. Complete the arms Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday (SEE VIDEO BELOW). It’s important to let your arm muscles recover a day since we are now using weights. But it’s okay to omplete the abs video every day.
3. Post a pic each day, share how your arms & abs feel in our group (click here) and on your personal page (IG and Twitter included). Both places if you want to be entered in a chance to win a diva shirt.
4. Tag me (Nicole Dyer-Twyman or @Fitfynefab, and use #ANGELAarms #FABabs
5. Next Sunday, measure your arms & abs again (your string should be shorter)
6. Share your experience by posting your results
7. Divas who post in the group and on their personal pages all 7 days are entered in a chance to win a free DIVA tank to show off them new guns girl!!

So, are you in? 


If you’re already signed up recently for free recipes, or a previous workout challenge, no need to sign up again.
Okay so, here’s an arms video that is more advanced than last week, but not too aggressive that you can’t finish it. All you need is 2 or 3 pound weights. If you don’t have weights, use canned goods or water bottles will do! I am not affiliated with the diva in the video, we are just using her moves to build these diva arms this week! I’ve added a bonus ABs video too diva, let’s get to work sis!
This is not your traditional ab workout divas. Its Pilates based and will give you a variety of moves to try to tame that tummy!
Now, before you go, please leave a comment below letting me know what you plan to do both Arms and Abs or just one? I want to hear from you boo! If you don’t have our free recipes for this week in quarantine, please do let me know in the comments. I’ll forward those on right away! You’ll need to eat healthy to see the results you desire diva!
-Live Fabulously,
Nicole “Coach Twy” Twyman
I’m Nicole Twyman, a native New Orleanian, who has lived all across the US! Although, my small family of 4 currently calls Los Angeles, CA home. I am a proud 40+ year old mom of a wonderfully energetic and theatrical daughter, and a handsome, scholarly athlete!
While I have worked in corporate America as a certified senior project / program / portfolio manager for Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Procter & Gamble & IBM, my passion is service. It has always been my desire to live a life of service to others; which I took every opportunity to explore as an active member of many of my church’s ministries and of my public service sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.
Well, now I am over the top excited to have the opportunity to serve divas through my very own ministry, Fit, Fyne & Fabulous.
I will be doing both!
Let’s go Diva! Get it in friend!
That arms workout was deceptively simple. I watched it first thinking, oh, this is easy. Then I grabbed my weights, hit replay, and burned for those 4 minutes. Can’t wait to see some results.
I mean just pure deception there! LOL Great burn tho!
I will be doing both and I do not have the quarantine recipes😊💪
Hello diva they were sent to you! Glad to see you’re rocking us and hope you have the recipes now
I will being doing both videos. I hope the right shoulder will cooperate (rotator cuff issues). Ab routine will definitely need a few modifications, but I’m IN!
Arms and abs for me! Thanks Sis for all you do!
That’s fabulous!! You’re welcome
I’m doing both!
That’s fabulous!! You’re welcome
Unfortunately I’m going to sit both challenges out h this week!
Sorry to see you go. Hope all is well.
Please disregard my previous statement! I’ll be joining the arm challenge!
Oh okay, that’s awesome! We love seeing your sparkle.
I’m in!
I’m rocking with you too!
Doing arms this week! May add abs next week!
Awesome way to transition into it! The abs video is only 4 minutes long
I’m doing both! I have to go find my weights or something to use.
I can’t wait to see your sparkle all week!
I will be doing both! I love the weekly challenges.
We love seeing you participate in them!!!
I’m doing both! Just finished day 1!!!!
Let’s go SHE-ro! Day 2 is on you boo!
I am doing both!!!!!
I will be doing both