WHERE WE WILL REVIEW one chapter of JOYCE MEYER’s book, “The Battlefield of the Mind” each day during APRIL!
THE CLIFF NOTES from today’s reading: Chapter 23: “I don’t deserve God’s blessings because I am not worthy”
God wants to give us grace, and Satan wants to give us disgrace! Disgrace tells you that you are no good, that you are not worthy of God’s love or help. Each of use must receive for ourselves the forgiveness God offers for all of our past sins. You must realize you will never be worthy of God’s blessings; you can only humbly accept and appreciate them, and be in awe of how good He is and how much He loves you.
An heir is one who receives something other than by merit, as when property is passed down from one person to another through a will. A laborer, in the biblical sense is someone who is weary from trying to follow God’s Law.
God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Please note without faith you cannot please God: therefore, no matter how many “good works” you offer it will not please Him if they were done to “earn” His favor.
- You will never be worthy of God’s blessings; you can only humbly accept and appreciate them diva.
- God wants to freely give you what He has for your life, BUT you have to have the right mindset!
- You are an heir; and, NOT a laborer! You deserve God’s love by his grace!
1. Today’s reading assignment is to read Chapter 22 of the book.
2. Do you have an heir mentality or a laborer’s mentality when it comes to your fitness goals? What does it mean to have an “heir’s mentality” regarding your fitness goals?
3. Click the “Click the Tweet” below!
4. Share this post! Let’s encourage our family and friends to WIN THE WAR IN OUR MENTAL BATTLEFIELD with us!!
85% of our problems stem from the way we feel about ourselves. -Joyce Meyers Click To Tweet
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I’m Nicole Twyman, a native New Orleanian, who has lived all across the US! Although, my small family of 4 currently calls Los Angeles, CA home. I am a proud 40+ year old mom of a wonderfully energetic and theatrical daughter, and a handsome, scholarly athlete!
While I have worked in corporate America as a certified senior project / program / portfolio manager for Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Procter & Gamble & IBM, my passion is service. It has always been my desire to live a life of service to others; which I took every opportunity to explore as an active member of many of my church’s ministries and of my public service sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.
Well, now I am over the top excited to have the opportunity to serve divas through my very own ministry, Fit, Fyne & Fabulous.
Yes His love is never ending. It is graceful and merciful! We are blessed. We just have to walk in it.
He shows up and shows out whether we deserve it or not. Thanking HIM for HIS grace and mercy!
I humbly accept the role of being an heir but I also labour to believe and show my faith through my actions. As it pertains to my fitness goals an heir mentality simply will not work. An heir will try to shortcut to get fast results. I’m labouring for this thang by making changes to my daily routine and my lifestyle chisel out the body I want.