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Love Yo Self

By February 25, 2018March 17th, 2018Be Inspired, Divas Who Pray

Happy Sunday Divas!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful week, and even if it came with a few challenges along the way you made it to Sunday. 🙂 Can you believe we are approaching the end of February? I know this is the shortest month of the year, but wow!!!

Since we still have a few more days left before the end of February, let’s talk about LOVE. The topic of love is very interesting and the discussion can go in many directions.  But I love talking about it from a biblical perspective. 😀 


There are over a 100 scriptures that describe and talk about love, but one of the best descriptions of love (in my opinion) is 1 Corinthians 13:4-5.

1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.

This scripture pops in my head when I think about my relationships with the people in my life. When I tell them I love them, I have to remind myself what love is in relationship to how I should exhibit it based on what the Bible says.


Real talk sistahs, I’m not always patient and kind, and sometimes I can be boastful, and proud.  Hey, I’m work in progress. 🙂  Loving people the way the Bible directs can be a challenge, yet it is something we seek to have and also give. Well what about when it comes to loving ourselves? 😐 



Most scriptures about love (if not all) primarily focuses on loving others. I think the assumption is that we as human beings naturally love ourselves.

And I agree, when it comes to the basic necessities of life, we actually do love ourselves. For example, when we get hungry we eat, if we are cold we seek warmth, etc…etc.  

Basically our natural instinct to love ourselves ensures that we have what we need to survive, feel safe, and have comfort.


If this is true then why is there a push to have more self-love in our society? Why do people struggle with self-esteem, self-worth, and depression?

I think that when we accept God’s love we begin to have an understanding of love for ourselves and others. I John 4:19 says, “We love because He first loved us.”


Self-love from my perspective starts with being appreciative of who God made me to be, forgiving myself, being patient and kind to myself, and letting go of my past mistakes. If God loves and forgives me, is patient and kind towards me, then I should do the same for myself and others.

Self-love is also taking good care of myself (spiritually, mentally, and physically) and having an understanding of my worth as a child of God and His love for me.


I also believe self-love is more in line with loving yourself enough to do what is needed to improve your life beyond just surviving.
I visualize it as a circle…love God, love myself, and love people. When I have a healthy relationship with God and in communication with Him, I am able to love myself and love people.

What are your thoughts about self-love? I would love to hear from you.


Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your undying love for us. Thank you for allowing us to live at such a time as this so that we might spread your love to all we come in contact with. As we continue on this journey of life, we ask that you help us to have a healthy sense of love for people and ourselves. Help us to draw from your love and be able to give that love to whomever we come in contact with, especially that woman staring back in the mirror. Help us to live healthy, happy and purposeful lives during our stay here on earth.
In Jesus name we pray


  • Garnett says:

    I agree with your interpretation of self love. It’s easier to truly love other people if you are already loving on yourself. Great post!!

  • Coach Twy says:

    Amen!! That patience is something else! I need to practice more with my kids as a showing of love and also with myself! Thank you for this reflection and for the prayer. #selfloveisALLGOD

  • Valerie McKenzey says:

    Self love is not something I gave a lot of thought to until recently. I’ve always been the one to take care of everyone else, the rock for everyone else. I realize that It is not selfish to love myself.

  • Morgan T says:

    Great read I felt the be purposeful statement just reminds me of putting things into prospective and to love myself in order to improve my love and presence in others lives!

  • Deantwa Bush-Corbitt says:

    1 Peter 4:8 says we should above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Additionally, the first two commandments are based in love (loving God and one’s neighbor) because love is the quintessential characteristic required to live a whole, abundant life. Operating in love on a daily basis will promote healing from the inside out to ourselves and those around us.

    I Corinthians 13:4-5 helps focus us away from the selfish Eros love promoted by this world and keeps us centered in Agape love! Thank you Lord for loving us, so that we may love others and ourselves which is true living!

    Erica Campbell profoundly declared in one of her hit recordings, “I love God; you don’t love God? What’s wrong with you??” I gracefully reply, nothing because I love God, Me, and u😊

    ✌🏿❤️And the blessings of God in Christ Jesus!

    • Priscilla Williams says:

      Amen & Amen to everything you said Deantwa.
      The scripture you quoted from 1 Peter…is so awesome…I think about how God forgives and covers our past sins…how wonderful if we did that for ourselves and for others.
      Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Felicia Bivens says:

    I’ve read this article about 4 times and just realized I never posted. I love your interpretation of self love. A lot of times because we don’t know how to be kind and loving to ourselves, we can’t love others the way they deserve to be. And we aren’t treated the way we deserve to be treated by others because of how we treat ourselves. Very good read!

    • Priscilla Williams says:

      Felicia, you are so right! My mom used to tell me, “You have to teach people how to treat you.” I would add to that statement…. “Teach people how to treat you by how you love and treat yourself”.
      Thanks for posting
      Lots of Love

  • Linda Newman says:

    Very Good Read💕 Patience is what I really Have to work on with me as well as having it with others. I am learning for my 13 month old granddaughter who I babysit. She is my sponge, so What I give out, she does also. Since God has allowed me to show her love, I don’t want Linda’s Love to show but the unconditional Love of God. Thank you God for this opportunity to love me and others like you Love us💕
    Love you Divas💕

    • Priscilla Williams says:

      Amen Linda! Is it amazing how God’s love is so pure and unconditional. I believe that He is please when seek to learn how to love the way He has instructed us.
      A grandma’s love seems to be closes to Gods love…LOL…grandparents cover a multitude of sins for their grandbabies!! LOL!!

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