I hope you all had a wonderful week, and even if it came with a few challenges along the way don’t let it hold you back…YOU made it to Sunday! 😉
Well sisters, we are marching our way closer and closer to warm weather and flip flops. Yes, I said flip flops!
For some reason, I get majorly excited to be able to wear sandals, flip flops and a cute naked heel. I have been visualizing myself walking around with my toes out and enjoying warmer weather. Yea…I know… its still cool (or cold for our Northern sisters) but warm weather is on its way! 😆
All month we have been talking about being confident and unshaken (click here), speaking life (click here), and being thankful (click here). All three blogs are life lessons many of us have been taught all of our lives, but sometimes we just need little reminders. 😉
As we approach the final week of the ‘March into Springtime Fab and Fyne’ challenge, I want encourage everyone (including myself) to continue doing good for your body and your health so that you will reap the harvest. Ladies let’s persevere and finish this race.
Galations 6:9 (NIV)
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap the harvest if we do not give up.”
I don’t know about you, but there have been times I start something new and I am excited, energetic and 100% committed. But then life happens or I lose my steam and I start slacking. Real talk sisters, there have even been times I gave up. 😳
Thankfully, God will connect me to someone that will somehow get me back on track to finish the race. I love ig advocate of the saying, “You Can’t Do Life Alone!”
For the divas who have participated in this month’s challenge (or any task/goal you have set out to achieve this month) do not get weary, do not give up. You have to continue so that you will see your results.
“You didn’t come this far to only come this far”.
Whatever your goals, plans or aspirations are remember you will achieve them if you don’t give up. Click To Tweet
The new things you have learned, the new habits you have adopted will continue to help you finish the race if you don’t give up. The end of this month is not the end of the ‘new you’. You have invested time, money and energy into this life change, so keep going until you see the results you have envisioned.
When life throws those curve balls, go back to your vision statement, reflect back on all the nuggets of wisdom you have gained during the process. Better yet, stay connected to those who support your goals and vision. Ask them to continue to keep you accountable. Remember to trust the process, because you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the opportunity to be alive as such a time as this. We know You have a plan for our lives, and as we continue on our journeys we can always depend on you. Thank you that our dependency on you does not mean that we have failed but instead our dependency on you is our strength and our victory.
I believe that You have a plan for every woman reading this blog post, therefore I ask You to reveal those plans (in Your time) and for those who already know, help them to not give up.
Help us all to persevere and win the race that you have set out for us. Help us to always know that we are victorious in you, and that we will reap the harvest if we don’t give up.
All this we pray in Jesus Name
I’m Priscilla, native New Orleanian but currently living in central Louisiana with my husband. After living away from Louisiana for over 10 years, it’s good to be back in my home state. My spiritual journey has grown and developed over the years into an intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father. I love to worship and take time for daily devotion and prayer. A relationship with Jesus is so vital for living a faith filled, full life. My fitness journey started with FFF in 2015. I was overweight, sickly, and depressed. Within six month of support, coaching and love from this awesome FFF team I got under 170. I believe that with commitment, accountability, inspiration and prayer we can enjoy healthy, long and prosperous lives. I also believe healthy living is one of God’s desires for our life. He wants us to take care of the temple He blessed us with. I’m glad to be a part of the FFF team by sharing weekly devotionals and prayer; and I am excited about all that God has for us this year. Join us every Sunday for FFF’s Spiritual Moment in devotion, inspiration and prayer.
Amen! I am pressing on to the finish. God is not a respecter of persons and what He has done to help others “, He will do to help me. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus! Thank you Lord for our blessed blog author and this marvelous group of Divas who Pray! According to God’s will, “we got this”!
Thank you Deantwa! Amen sister, Amen!
Thank you for this!!! I will keep marching forward towards my goal. I won’t give up or grow weary on my journey. Victory is mine!!!
Felicia, I still need reminders and encouragement, but I am with you…I will not give up or grow weary on my journey.